Entrepreneurship (75)

  • Prasad Karnik

    Prasad Karnik


    Correct me if I am wrong! The most difficult task for an Entrepreneur is to cut down the costs for assets (tangible or intangible) not pertaining to their business. Most common that I have found is non IT related (e.g import export, travels, logistics, etc) startups and SMEs have to spend on technology. Technology is a need to have aspect of any business today. But with limited resources, it becomes difficult for a non technical person to acquire optimal technology (software and hardware) for the business and they get lost in a maze trying to cope up with the costs. I have seen many startups with brilliant ideas shut down because rolling was not possible trying to manage their resources between technology and their business module. So whats the solution and I have done quite extensive research on the same and we can discuss on this if anyone is interested enough to comment :-)

    374 week ago

  • [Removed User]

    [Removed User]


    This navaratri , pledge to kill the 'Ravan' in you.

    390 week ago

  • Vivek Sharma

    Vivek Sharma



    391 week ago

  • Prabhu Kumar

    Prabhu Kumar


    Paskle inviting start up to set up offices in Bengaluru @ JP Nagar. If interested please reach out to us info@paskle.com / 080 48900306, we are planning our second office shortly @Malleswaram, Bengaluru.

    392 week ago

  • [Removed User]

    [Removed User]


    It is observed that leaders spread themselves too thin with all of the HR and administrative tasks that don’t leave them with a lot of time for strategic planning, which is essential for achieving desired business goals. Saksham can help you in building the people related strategy in line with your business and also execute as being your partner, right from induction of an employee to exit and everything in-between. We have team of professional experts to provide the best of the services catering to:  HR Outsourcing  HR Project Execution  HR for startups  Recruitment  Payroll Operations  Staffing Services  Training & Development Visit us at www.sakshamuniversal.com

    393 week ago

  • Sanchit Taksali

    Sanchit Taksali


    Hi, We at Investiture, helps you in answering questions like? 1. How much Insurance do I require to take care of family incase of any contingency? 2. Which type of Insurance Plan do I need to opt for either Term Plan or Endowment Plan? 3. How much capital do I need to start my business after 6 years of Job work? 4. How much corpus do I need to accumulate to let my income pay off my expenses if I don't want to work? 5. How much time will it take to get the life which I Dream of living? 6. How much capital do I need to retire from work? 7. What will it cost to buy a new house after 3 years or next year? 8. Can I afford a Financial Planner or can manage myself? And 9. How much do I need to save for my prime goal or career or for Business so that the 'ONE' day will come early? And much more. Along with we answer and go with you in answer: How can I achieve my above stated stated goals? Get connected with trade.investiture@gmail.com To make yourself stress free.

    393 week ago

  • Kalpana Verma

    Kalpana Verma


    Art a revolution of expertise thoughts skills and concepts all woven into kaleidoscope called vision ...of art

    395 week ago

  • [Removed User]

    [Removed User]


    Happy Independence Day

    395 week ago

  • Rajan Rajput

    Rajan Rajput


    Hello everyone , i started my new catering venture

    396 week ago

  • Prateek Srivastava

    Prateek Srivastava


    Sometimes in business you have to make choices..i.e to remain static or to be dynamic - the choice is always yours !!! Someone once asked me what does it take to become an entrepreneur, and i said being dynamic... but what does it mean ?.. I will be sharing some interesting tales of my 4 years+ regular business travels around the globe, which has not only changed my business but me being able to understand the real meaning of life.... I personally feel the more an entrepreneur explores the hidden facts around the globe, the more sane he becomes in life................

    396 week ago

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